A poem by Ms Lee, a Lupus sufferer and advocate for raising awareness of her condition.
When Uplifted learned that Ms Lee’s talents didn’t stop at being a Lupus awareness campaigner, and that she is in fact a creative writer and poet, we wanted to hear more. ‘Your Voice’ does what it says, it’s Your creative voices and I can’t think of a better way than to kick start this part of the magazine with Ms Lee’s poem, ‘From one Queen to another.’

Our gorgeous and talented Ms Lee
Hey Queens, I see you.
Yes you with the curly hair, the afro, the shaved head and you with the straight hair too.
I see you all, really I do.
I see your fears, your tears and your struggles through the years.
I see you questioning what this life is about, where you fit in and your beauty you doubt.
I hear you saying you wish you were lighter, darker, slimmer, curvier, prettier.
Whatever the case, it’s such a pity you don’t know that the body you’re in, is a winner.
You are a woman, beautifully crafted the way nature intended.
There is no pretending, we all have those days when we feel insecure.
The kind of days when you struggle just to make it out the door.
But let me remind you Queens that those days do not define who you are, of that I am sure.
I know the criticisms you face, sometimes setting aside your ambitions and dreams because you don’t want to look out of place.
Well to that I say stand out Queens, you deserve to be seen.
No matter where in the world you are from, it is important to remember that you belong.
There will be challenges along the way, obstacles simply designed to cause you a delay.
Don’t let them ruin your day. When the world gets mean, I have no doubt it sometimes will, change the world if you must.
Your biggest obstacle is yourself, in that you can trust.
I am a woman who has doubted my beauty, my potential and my ambitions.
I am like so many women who have also been in this same position.
But then I am reminded to look around.
To pay attention to the countless beautiful, amazing, strong women of all colours, shapes and sizes who run the world with fierce courage and determination.
You are amongst those women, who inspire other women daily to give their best.
So Queens, please, let there be no limits to your ambition. Let nobody tell you where and how you should fit in. Challenge yourself to be greater than your biggest dreams.
Try and fail then try again if you must, but don’t you quit. Always remember Queen, you got this.
Shawnna-Lee James
I am just loving the energy in this piece and it couldn’t have come at a better time for myself personally to read this, to push myself out of my comfort zone and believe.
Thank you Ms Lee.