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We are walking all over Cancer this March for Cancer Research UK. From Steps with Rick to loops of the office we found ways to knock down 10k steps a day.

10,000 steps a day.

Some of you will say it’s easy whilst others will say they just don’t know where to start or how they could fit 10,000 steps into one day.

We are all guilty of waking up and not starting the day how we planned in our head sometimes. A motivated start to the day thinking “yeah I’ll go for a walk nice and early” can quickly turn into a day where you didn’t manage to get out at all. There are days like that and that is okay!

But getting out can be really important and has a lot of benefits for us and our body. Even just 5 minutes outside a day will really help to give you a quick boost. With Spring now on the way, and the weather looking a little better, take a moment throughout your day to soak it all up and start to notice seasonal changes.

Out walking in red wellies

Out walking in red wellies

Find a way to enjoy it. Call up a friend and see whether they fancy taking your usual friendly catch up out on the move and mix it up. Throughout the last couple of years, we’ve all had to find ways of making the same local routes fun and we did it! Why not now look a little further and begin exploring more.

Looking For Places To Walk And A Change of Scenery

Simply search ‘where to go on a walk near me’ into google quickly on your phone and you’re met with a list of answers to check out. Take a look at the National Trust website and find some great ideas for a day out. Or over on the Wildlife Trusts site they have a great section called ‘Choose Your Adventure’. Why not have a little look and choose your next walking adventure ready for the weekend.

But What If I don’t Want To Go Out?

If you are looking for a way to be more active and don’t want an impact-related workout then get stepping along to a guided video on YouTube. After your journey home from work, or after being sat down all day, the last thing you may be thinking about is getting those steps. But in this short workout you get far more than just knocking off half of your step target.

Step dig to the left now take it into the grapevine. The best thing about about online step workouts is that you don’t even need to put your trainers on and it can all be done from the comfort of your home. A great way to start your March morning! If you need to pause the video at anytime you can and there is no pressure whatsoever. It is a great way to manage your own activity levels without thinking about other people around you like in your normal instructor-led fitness class.

5000 steps in 37 minutes with Get Fit With Rick

The At Home Silent Disco Trick

Ever wanted to create your own silent disco? Throw those headphones on, choose your great playlist and get stepping along to your favourite tracks. In no time you’ll be knocking off steps from the target and most importantly had fun. Whenever I’m behind on my steps, the silent disco trick works! You will end up laughing at how much fun you’re having and could even make up your own routine once you’ve got into the groove.

Of course it works on an individual basis. We are all tied up in commitments whether that is work-related, family-related and must also take into consideration our health. But there are so many benefits to moving your body and getting that ultimate feel good feeling.

The key is to disguise the steps and avoid boringly pacing up and down to get that total up. So, whether that means you end up dancing round the kitchen doing the cha cha slide, taking the dog out for a walk or parking a little further away to make sure you get those extra one hundred steps into the day- it will all count.

“Don’t count the steps, make the steps count”.

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